José María Vicente-Samper, PhD

Research Fellow

«If you’re not having fun with what you’re doing then you’re doing it wrong»

José María Vicente Samper was born in Callosa de Segura (Alicante, Spain) in 1991. He received the Bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Industrial Automation Engineering in 2015, the Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering in 2017 and the PhD in Industrial and Telecommunication Technologies in 2021, at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche. He is currently employed as a postdoctoral researcher at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche, where he also collaborates in teaching. He is a beneficiary of a grant for the training of PhDs in valencian companies (FDEGENT) from the Generalitat Valenciana, currently in the postdoctoral period and develops his activity at the Institute of Bioengineering of the Miguel Hernández University of Elche.
In terms of research, he is author of 11 publications in high impact journals (JCR index), three of them in Q1 and four in Q2, as well as several publications in not indexed journals in this index, 25 publications in national and international congresses and a book chapter.
During the predoctoral period, he performed a 3-month research stay in the Advanced Robotics and Human-Centred Technologies – CREO Lab de la Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, in Rome (Italy).
In the teaching aspect, he has taught in the subject of Systems Theory in the Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering Bachelor’s degrees; in the subjects of Industrial Automation and Real-Time Control Systems in the Bachelor’s degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation; in the Electronic Control Systems subject of the Bachelor’s degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering; and in the Service Robotics subject of the Industrial Engineering Master’s, all of them at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche. He has also collaborated in the design and development of practices in Robotics and Automation subjects. In addition, he has co-directed a Final Degree Project.

In the industrial field, Jose Maria works as a frelance in industrial process automation, software and mobile application development, as well as certification and licensing  since 2020.